It’s the perfect time of year to spread kindness through holiday candies and sweet treats. Whip up some Candy Corn Kindness Goody Bags to give to others creating a statement of caring. This is a fabulous project for a Girl Scout troop to do as a way to be in service, a classroom of kids or a family project. The items that can be put in the Candy Corn Kindness Goody Bags are endless, from candy to pens to hygiene items to gift cards!

Skill Level: Basic
Time: 30

- Kunin Classicfelt craft cuts 9″ x 12″
Yellow. White, Orange, Black, Candy Pink - Beacon Fabri-Tac Glue
- Sharp Scissors
- Ribbon and Trims
Step One:
Fold a piece of white felt in half and stack a piece of orange and yellow on top.

Step Two:
Cut through all four pieces of stacked felt at the same time to create 4 candy corn shapes that are the same.

Step Three:
Trim the orange and yellow cut-outs down to create the layers of a piece of candy corn. Glue trims to the orange and yellow pieces.

Step Four:
Glue the yellow to the orange and the orange to one of the white pieces. Trim the white piece down to slightly above the orange.

Step Five:
Glue around the back of the white bottom layer, leaving the top open and adhere it to the white piece that has not been trimmed down, including a piece of ribbon in the sides to create a handle. If desired, add a smiley face.

You can now find an expanded color line of Kunin® Classicfelt and Kunin® Premiumfelt non-wovens fabrics in cut by the yard at your local Walmart; please inquire as to what is available in your area.

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This project was created by Laura Kelly who blogs over at Me and My INKlings ( and can be found on social media @laurakellydesigns for Instagram (, Facebook ( and Pinterest (
Yay for Spreading Kindness!!!