This is such a fantastic project for so many reasons. First of all, it is darling. Second…it used felt scraps up into a totally fabulous home decoration (or party)! It is easy peasy to make and can be done with a sewing machine, hand sewn or glued. This makes it a project that would work great with kiddos too.
You will need:
- 9″ x 12″ craft cuts ofKunin Eco-fi Classicfelt (Assorted Colors)
- Scissors
- Doodled Flower Piece Patterns
- Sewing Supplies OR Glue
- Buttons (If Desired)
- Ribbon
Doodle some flower patterns onto paper then cut them out.
Use them to trace onto your felt and then cut the pieces out and assemble.
Sew (or glue) the pieces together.
Add the flower pieces (and leaves if desired) to a long strand of ribbon.
Ta Da!
It makes a great picnic table runner too!
The fun thing about these flowers is that you can add them to almost anything to decorate or embellish. They would be fun on placemats, giftwrap, hats and so many more things. Share your ideas in the comments. I would love to know what you think up!
You can now find an expanded color line of Kunin Eco-fi Classicfelt; Eco-fiPlus™ Premiumfelt and ShaggiChic non-wovens fabrics in cut by the yard at your local Walmart; please inquire as to what is available in your area.